Few quotes, created by me:
- Learn, Cherish & feel every moment of your life, and Live it with a vision, that it becomes the inspiration for others when they touch/read the book of your life...
Spiritual-Practical Thought:
- We are already rich before we have money. The only thing is, we need to spend some time to look into within.
- For joy of social-routine life...simply learn the art of i) Learning...Live in present, ii)Fulfill all your commitments (they leads to new directions to your journey sometime), iii) Giving - Sharing (knowledge, wisdom, wishes) To be helpful to others and when required never hesitate to SEEK help from others...
These thoughts makes
the journey of this earth fruitful for our soul...
Thoughts on EMOTIONS:
- EMOTIONS are great tool to gracefully implement your thoughts in to reality
- Fighting with our own Emotion, is the hardest Battle(pain) for any human being
- Emotions are very beautiful thing created by god to feel the life. Always cherish it with all, and make sure in a journey of life, knowingly or unknowingly you never hurt anyone's emotions. That's the key of being always happy from within !!! Live, Laugh & Love...Cherish life!!!
- The day we learn to overcome(Control) over Emotions, we learn to LIVE Life; but forget to FEEL life.
Thoughts Inspired by "Geeta-Holybook" (connecting those theory with practical life):
- INTENTIONS behind your Thoughts and Actions defines it Good or Bad - eg. Work: To influence/motivate people to do something i) if It's done by terrorist to increase terrorism then its bad, ii) if it's done by saint to have peace in universe and each individual life then its good... "INTENTIONS..."
- Thought For IT Creatures "Define design of Life" : Life is a FLOWCHART designed by God(Supreme power) with 'IF' - 'ELSE' conditions at each step; Our choices(decisions) are making which loop(nodes) we are passing though (Pain or gain); After coming out from one loop, again we have same choice 'IF' - 'ELSE'; "Our choices are carving our life path - our destiny"; -- Have faith that there is no 'infinite loop' in this design, as its designed by supreme power... So whether its PAIN or GAIN it will not be permanent"
Thoughts Inspired by observation and experience of personal life
- Observe, be aware and focus on reducing the time between your thoughts and actions to increase your productivity
- The day you realize that you have nothing to loose on this Earth... Your journey begins to great creativity
- Situation: We always have too many thoughts in our mind ,we can prioritize it but we can't stop it. Observation: "Our THOUGHTS are origin(root) of all our deeds... But if we observe, we realize that our CHOICES of implementing particular thoughts from all those are responsible to shape our Destiny. CHOOSE your destiny...
- Sometimes we screw up the things thinking too much in detail about making decisions, if we observe our own life minutely. big turn around always had happened from small things and quick decisions.(Exception:decision of marriage)
- Being a practical is the best policy, but some times we need to respect our feelings, that's the way we can realize someday why we are on earth..."
- A busy person is that, who has time to do everything..." [Think twice before saying I am busy... :)]
- For IT Developers: Frameworks are just the part of your Career, Don't Make it Heart of your Career(except its your own developed framework...) - you can rule various technologies... don't let technologies rule on you...." :)
- As we grow...we forget to live by heart and start depending and believing more on mind... But if we observe, in real terms; We only can feel and cherish life, the moment we start to believe and live with our heart(intuitions). And the moment we follow our heart(intuitions) there's always a presence of focus with positive attitude in each and everything we do... Follow your heart... Cherish life...!!!"
- Life: Its not about how hard you hit by the world, Its about how hard you'v been get hit and keep continue on moving forward.
- Life becomes more exciting when your loved ones (lover/friends/family) becomes your inspiration.
- Life is like a Mirror, Its merely a reflection of your thoughts: the way you want to see it.
- Thought: At the time of traveling, when I see out from the window of running bus or train; I can see that trees are moving. But in real terms trees are on the same place(static) but we are just passing through so we assume that trees are moving; Then one question rises in my mind... - Does the same theory applies to life? All things(people, places, circumstances) are always there(like trees on the road) we are just travelling in a bus called TIME on the road of LIFE; and assuming(thinking) that places, situations and people are moving in and out from our life but in real fact they are always there but We are just passing through.
Inspirational Quotes by Swami Vivekananda:
- Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divinity by controlling nature, external and internal. Do this either by work, or worship, or psychic control, or philosophy - by one, or more, or all of these - and be free. This is the whole of religion. Doctrines, or dogmas, or rituals, or books, or temples, or forms, are but secondary details.
- Do not wait; the time will never be "just right'. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along
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